DuDeChem is a Green Chemistry startup rooted in the German Cluster of Excellence in Catalysis at the University of Technology Berlin. We are a small but driven team committed to our mission: guided by the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry, we strive to build a green chemical-pharmaceutical industry. This sector currently consumes over 13% of global fossil resources, most of which are used in manufacturing—and we are determined to change that.
To achieve this, we...
DuDeChem is a Green Chemistry startup rooted in the German Cluster of Excellence in Catalysis at the University of Technology Berlin. We are a small but driven team committed to our mission: guided by the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry, we strive to build a green chemical-pharmaceutical industry. This sector currently consumes over 13% of global fossil resources, most of which are used in manufacturing—and we are determined to change that.
To achieve this, we have developed a...
Who we are:
DUDE CHEM is a Green Chemistry startup with its origins in the German Cluster of Excellence in Catalysis at the University of Technology Berlin. We are a small but mighty team which is dedicated to fulfil our mission: Based on the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry we aim to build a green chemical-pharmaceutical industry. The industry currently consumes >13% of all fossil resources, most of them during the manufacturing. Our aim is to change this.<...
Who we are:
DUDE CHEM is a Green Chemistry startup with its origins in the German Cluster of Excellence in Catalysis at the University of Technology Berlin. We are a small but mighty team which is dedicated to fulfil our mission: Based on the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry we aim to build a green chemical-pharmaceutical industry. The industry currently consumes >13% of all fossil resources, most of them during the manufacturing. Our aim is to change th...