When travelers are searching for a hotel, we want the obvious choice to be trivago! Our leading metasearch engine is super fast and constantly optimized – enabling millions of travelers to compare hotel prices from hundreds of booking sites and find great deals in just a few clicks. We use cutting-edge technology, real-time auction, and machine learning techniques with petabytes of data to create an experience – time and money saved! In the lively city of Düsseldorf, we seize opportun...
When travelers are searching for a hotel, we want the obvious choice to be trivago! Our leading metasearch engine is super fast and constantly optimized – enabling millions of travelers to compare hotel prices from hundreds of booking sites and find great deals in just a few clicks. We use cutting-edge technology, real-time auction, and machine learning techniques with petabytes of data to create an experience – time and money saved! In the lively city of Düsseldorf, we seize opportun...
trivago has transformed from its startup origins into a leading global travel brand, operating in more than 50 countries and publicly traded on NASDAQ. We are seeking a dynamic Chief Financial Officer (CFO) who brings an entrepreneurial mindset, a sharp mind, and financial expertise to our team. This role is integral to driving the company's overall strategic development, enhancing our financial performance, and ensuring we capitalize on emerging growth opportunities in the vast and e...