EXPLAINED: How much do foreign workers in Switzerland earn?

A government report released in 2019 compared the salaries of Swiss employees with those of foreign workers in the country. Here is what you need to know. The figures on wages are contained in the 2019 annual report on the impact of the free movement of persons treaty between Switzerland and …read more Source:: https://www.thelocal.ch/20191226/this-is-how-much-foreign-workers-earn-in-switzerland-seco

Explained: How to get a ‘Blue Card’ to live and work in Germany

Similar to the Green Card in the US, professionals from non-EU countries are able to work in Germany with the so-called Blue Card. Just what is a Blue Card? The idea for the Blue Card originally sprung from the Brussels think-tank Bruegel, and was written into EU law in August 2012. …read more Source:: https://www.thelocal.de/20191224/explained-how-to-get-a-blue-card-to-live-and-work-in-germany

What NOT to do when you’re freelancing in Germany

Thanks to a mountain of bureaucracy, a tricky healthcare system and a complicated language, freelancing in Germany can seem overwhelming at times, but there are ways to make it work. Here’s our tips on what you should avoid doing when you decide to go ‘Selbstständig’ or self employed. Don’t fill out …read more Source:: https://www.thelocal.de/20191222/what-not-to-do-when-youre-freelancing-in-germany

Five insider tips for job seekers in Switzerland

For foreigners, job seeking in Switzerland can seem overwhelming – but according to experts the best place to start is with a positive mindset and a hunger for local knowledge. The Local spoke to Geneva-based expert Emilie Since from TieTalent about the best approach to job hunting as a newcomer …read more Source:: https://www.thelocal.ch/20191221/five-insider-tips-for-job-seekers-in-switzerland-employment

Car sector weakness saps industrial jobs in Germany

The number of people working in German manufacturing firms fell for the first time in nine years in December, official data showed Monday, with car industry jobs among the worst hit. Overall, December brought a 0.2-percent month-on-month fall in industrial employment to just under 5.7 million, federal statistics authority Destatis said …read more Source:: https://www.thelocal.de/20191216/car-sector-weakness-saps-industrial-jobs-in-germany

How Germany is set to make it easier for non-EU skilled workers to enter the labour market

Germany is desperate to attract skilled workers from abroad and fill vacancies. Here’s how the action plan is shaping up. Germany is targeting a range of countries to attract skilled workers, Detlef Scheele, the head of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), said on Monday. “The Federal Employment Agency will conclude further partner …read more Source:: […]

Revealed: The best and worst paid jobs in Germany

Thinking about changing your career or wondering which states in Germany have the best salaries? Here’s the lowdown. Online careers portal Gehalt.de analyzed a huge amount of data on the salaries of workers in Germany over the course of last year to find out which jobs pay the most — and …read more Source:: https://www.thelocal.de/20191212/explained-the-best-and-worst-paid-jobs-in-germany

Spain’s public holidays in 2020: Official list

Get organized and start planning those weekends away! Spain has published the official list of public holidays for next year, which means you can start planning your puentes – the Spanish custom of taking the day off to bridge the weekend with the holiday – and get the best deals on …read more Source:: https://www.thelocal.es/20191210/spains-public-holidays-in-2020-official-list

Age discrimination begins at 40 for job-seekers in Sweden

Even job applicants in their early 40s start feeling the effects of age discrimination in the Swedish labour market, according to a new study. And 20 years later, your chances are extremely slim. “It is a problem, both for society and for the individual,” economist Magnus Carlsson, co-author of a new …read more Source:: https://www.thelocal.se/20191209/age-discrimination-begins-at-40-for-job-seekers-in-sweden

How much do Swiss people earn – and which jobs are the best paid?

Wages are high in Switzerland – which is just as well due to the sometimes prohibitive cost of living. But how much on average do Swiss people actually earn – and which jobs are the best paid? Switzerland has the second-highest average salary in Europe – and the third best …read more Source:: https://www.thelocal.ch/20191209/how-much-swiss-people-earn-and-which-jobs-are-the-best-paid

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