Tell us: How good is Sweden for international talent?

How can Sweden make life better for international workers and entrepreneurs in the country? Fill out this survey to help The Local make your voice heard. Loading… …read more Source::

The Local contributor finds work, can stay in Denmark after employer reads article

In November, Yater Dabbo wrote to The Local about the challenges faced by skilled foreign professionals looking for work in Denmark, and how his personal situation reflected the issue. Two months later, Dabbo was contacted by a potential employer who had read his contribution on our website – and was eventually …read more Source::

‘Singing brings people together and can change the world’

MY SWEDISH CAREER: “Sweden has been good to me, and I feel very lucky that I’ve been able to be myself here,” says singer, vocal coach and theatre school director Kimberley Akester. The singer moved to Stockholm around 18 years ago, and since then her career has taken her around …read more Source::

Study: German job market needs immigration from outside of EU

With the number of immigrants from other EU countries expected to decrease in the coming years, and amid a growing population decline, Germany is in need of more non-EU workers, says a study published Tuesday. The German labour market needs at least 260,000 immigrants every year in the medium- …read more Source::

German military looks to recruit in other EU nations

Germany’s military chief said Thursday he was considering recruiting in other EU nations to target specialists like IT professionals and medical doctors. The proposal – controversial because to critics it evokes a “mercenary army” rather than a force of loyal citizen-soldiers — is “one option” being looked at, General Eberhard Zorn …read more Source::

My Swedish Career: Seven inspiring interviews to read in 2019

Each week, The Local interviews a different international person working in Sweden for our My Swedish Career series. They never fail to deliver a dose of inspiration, and their careers range from particle physics to parkour. Here are seven stories sure to inspire you as we enter 2019. 1. ‘Don’t …read more Source::

‘The moment you think you’ve got it, you haven’t’

“Intuition has played a big role in my life, guiding me where to go,” says counsellor and acupuncturist Gerry Phoenix in this week’s My Swedish Career interview. After 15 years working as a therapist, he believes this gut instinct has always served him well, even when it hasn’t seemed like it …read more Source::

Unemployment: Swiss jobless rate lowest in a decade

The average monthly unemployment rate in Switzerland last year was 2.6 percent, the lowest figure in ten years, according to figures published by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) on Tuesday. The 2017 monthly average unemployment rate was 3.2 percent while in 2016 that figure was 3.3 percent. In a …read more Source::

Vodafone set to cut up to 1,200 jobs in Spain

Vodafone said Thursday it planned to cut up to 1,200 jobs in Spain as it streamlines its organisation to cope with a drop in revenue and profits in a fiercely competitive telecommunications market. In a statement, the group said it would kick off consultations with worker representatives at the end of …read more Source::

Sweden reaches lowest unemployment rate in a decade

Sweden’s unemployment rate has reached its lowest figure in ten years, data from the Public Employment Service shows. In December, the unemployment rate in Sweden was just seven percent, according to figures from the Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen). That’s a drop of 0.5 percentage points compared with the same month the …read more Source:: […]

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