German luxury carmaker Daimler set to slash jobs to save €1 billion

Daimler said Thursday it planned to cut jobs to save more than €1 billion by the end of 2022, as it grapples with an expensive switch to greener vehicles. The Mercedes-Benz maker has also been hit by expensive recalls, a slowing global market and a €870 million fine in September for …read more Source::

Long-term unemployment rises in Sweden

Long-term unemployment has risen in Sweden for the first time in 16 months. A total of 148,000 people in the country had been unemployed for at least a full year by the end of October 2019, according to the latest figures from the Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen). That was an increase …read more Source:: […]

New Tesla factory near Berlin to create ‘up to 10,000 jobs’

A new Tesla auto factory is to be built near Berlin, Elon Musk announced. What does it all mean? What’s happening? On Tuesday evening, technology entrepreneur, investor, and engineer Musk revealed during a ceremony at Germany’s Golden Steering Wheel awards that the new “Gigafactory” for electric cars and batteries would be “in …read more Source:: […]

How much can you expect to earn as a teacher in Sweden?

Teaching is a popular career for newcomers to Sweden, in part thanks to a large number of international schools where lessons take place in English. We’ve taken a look at the numbers to calculate how much you can expect to earn as a teacher in Sweden, both before and after …read more Source::

Explained: Why are Hartz IV benefits so controversial in Germany?

Germany’s highest court reached a groundbreaking decision this week when it ruled that it was “partially illegal” to penalize Hartz IV welfare recipients. We look at why critics have called to change the system since its beginnings. The ruling was a blow against the notorious system, a type of long-term welfare …read more Source::

Here’s how many people were granted work permits in Sweden in October

Sweden’s Migration Agency reached a decision in 4,834 work permit cases during October. Here’s an in-depth look at how many permits were granted, and to whom. A total of 4,367 work permit applications were sent to Sweden’s Migration Agency last month and 4,834 people received a decision. Of those, 3,602 permits …read more Source::

Working in Spain: These are the days off you could be entitled to

Working culture in Spain can be very different from what you are used to. Long working hours, two-hour lunch breaks and all those public holidays. It’s not (entirely) true that everyone has to take their holidays in August so what are the rules? Obviously there’s maternity leave but did you know …read more Source::

Working in Germany: Why you should apply for a job in November

Career coach Chris Pyak explains why employers aren’t getting into holiday mode just yet – in fact, they’re more likely to hire you between now and Christmas. Here’s why “I love the fourth quarter,” Nelly Bogilova told me when I interviewed her for the Immigrant Spirit Podcast last week: “Clients hire …read more Source::

Labour shortages: These are the most needed workers in France

If you’re looking to work in France, the country’s government is actively looking for workers in certain fields where there are serious employee shortages. Find out if your profession is sought after. France is desperately trying to sort out the problem of worker shortages in a number of varied fields, …read more Source::

One in three people in Germany ‘will have migration background’ in 20 years

In the next two decades, every third person in Germany will have migrant roots or be a migrant themselves, according to experts. By 2040, about 35 percent of Germany’s population will have a migrant background or be a migrant themselves, according to Herbert Brücker, who is in charge of the migration …read more Source::

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