As part of the Administration Directorate, the Finance Department ensures that financial resources are used according to the applicable rules and regulations, and in line with the directions defined by ESO's governing bodies. Our Finance Department covers four main areas: Budgeting and Controlling, Accounting, Invoice Control and Treasury. It operates in an integrated way with units in Garching, Germany and in Santiago de Chile. Our team is made up of 16 staff with 9 nationalities, pr...
The Project Management department comprises a highly international group of 17 Project Managers leading a wide variety of projects that expand and strengthen the scientific and operational capabilities of our observatories in Chile. Your role will be to lead the development of astronomical instrumentation or Observatory sub-systems either for the ELT, the VLT or ALMA. These developments will enable scientists to answer key questions about the universe like understanding the nature of ...
For its IT Department in the IT Group in Garching, within the Directorate of Engineering, ESO is opening an International Staff Member position of IT Specialist.
Database Management Systems form the central component of the ESO and ALMA Science Operations that utilise OLAP, OLTP, Replication and Document DBMS from SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and Couchbase. After finishing your university degree in computer science or equivalent, you have gained several years of general IT experienc...